DHC vs LUSH ((幫幫手" Help!!))

2007-07-11 11:54 pm
我想問下有關DHC 同 LUSH 兩個PORDUCT D野,,
由於我皮膚麻麻地, 成日出暗倉, 仲慘係有'油之粒'"
宜家D'油之粒'係面上固定左, 我又唔知點整走佢...

今年5月, 我開始用DHC... 皮膚有D改善。
但係用用下, 宜家又麻麻地... 加上D 野真係好貴"

* 橄欖水潤潔膚油
* 橄欖柔蜜潔面皂
* 滋養補濕美肌水
* 橄欖煥采精華

我有個fds 叫我試下用LUSH,,
佢同佢家姐都係用緊LUSH,, 話幾好!!

唔知有冇人用過DHC OR LUSH 呢?
分享下... PLZ*

流星天使洗面膏 Angels on Bare Skin
一千零一夜乳霜 Imperialis Cream
羅馬許願池爽膚水 Eau Roma Water

我面上有豆豆, 同'油之粒'... 有咩護膚PRODUCT 好介紹呀?


回答 (2)

2007-07-13 7:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i am using Lush and DHC now~my skin type is combination to oily,a little sensitive and i also have pimple on my face

DHC: deep cleansing oil(u are using it,i think it is really good,right?)

acerola lotion,around $110(very light lotion,i have used 4-5 bottles already,after i used half bottle, my mum and friends said my shin become brighter^^,but it is not moist enough,so i will use moisturizing gel after it---Dr:ci:labo-super sensitive($310))

mineral mask $320 100g(the best mask i have used~whittening,hydrating and deep cleansing~3 in 1)

Lush:herbalism(cleanser, very good for my pimple skin,but avoid using it after any cleansing oil because your face may not clean enough,if i use cleansing oil, i will use fancl's washing powder-light($115) ~)

mask of magnaminty$145(very good mask, the price is also cheap,but as the ingredients are very nautral,you have to use it up in 3-4 months)

i think the set u are using except the cleansing oil and the cream in Lush are too heavy for your skin,especially in summer.

i also have some good products to recommand~

cleanser-Lush-fresh farmacy cleanser

moisturizer-clinique-dramatically different moisturizing gel $300
simple-shine control manager(below$50@manning)

toner-kiehl's-calendula herbal extract toner($300-250ml,highly recommand!!!it is the best toner,but it is too expensive,so i do not use it too often)
clinique-clarifying moisture lotion 3($240)

serum-clinique-turn around concentrate($25)@bonjour
DHC- wheat ceramaid 100($230,highly recommand!!!)

i have used the those product before~you can buy some of them in sasa or bonjour~

hope this can help u~!
參考: my own experience~!!^^
2007-07-12 12:09 am
大部份市面的臉上用品都含有化學成份, 是有百害而無一利的, 而且牌子越high, 價錢越貴, 我自己了觧健康常識之後, 很少用化學產品, 現在除了洗髮水外, 我都是用天然產品. 洗臉和沖涼都裝了濾水器.

活性界面劑 + 水 =洗髮精
活性界面劑 + 水+乳霜+人工香料+定香劑=沐浴乳
活性界面劑 + 膠狀物質+氟化物=牙膏
活性界面劑 + 膠狀物質+柔膚霜+檸檬酸等=洗臉乳
參考: 例如: 冷製法手工皂的好處

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