我想整直d頭髮, 又唔想做負離子....因為無晒彈性

2007-07-11 10:14 pm
我個頭電左三個月...我想整直d頭髮, 又唔想做負離子....因為無晒彈性, 我想拉直佢之後可以吹到向內屈....有咩辦法,有咩salon好介紹?

回答 (2)

2007-07-11 10:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-07-12 1:16 am
This salon is very best for me in the pass time, hair cut only $80,the skill with services both excellent, share with you la....

lD Hair (TST)
Tel:27213982 / 27213987

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