
2007-07-11 8:49 pm

回答 (3)

2007-07-11 10:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
report to the police - open case file in the police force and they will investigate.
then tell your teacher that you've done this and request him/her to announce in the class without mentioning your name.

My sis suffered from this beforehead but after we went to report to the police, they picked out the disturbing guy and warned him already. His personal detail is still kept in the police case file to my understanding...
參考: myself
2007-07-15 2:45 am
咁ge 情況~~我提議你~~報警la~不過唔好打999......直接去警局~~好有效ga~~!!!因為佢咁ge 行為已經係違法 ga la~!!!不過懲罰好輕~~!
2007-07-11 8:53 pm

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