
2007-07-11 8:32 pm
再在外國跟另一名女子註冊結婚, 算不算是重婚罪?


如若以上情況不算是重婚罪, 是否等於一個從未在任何地區註冊結婚的女子, 在那些國家註冊結婚後, 回港再跟另一個男子結婚, 也不算是重婚罪?

回答 (2)

2007-07-12 7:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
再在外國跟另一名女子註冊結婚, 算不算是重婚罪?
1) 這個一定是犯了重婚罪

2) 回教國家是可以一夫多妻的

如若以上情況不算是重婚罪, 是否等於一個從未在任何地區註冊結婚的女子, 在那些國家註冊結婚後, 回港再跟另一個男子結婚, 也不算是重婚罪?
3) 在香港來說,不論你在什麼地方註冊結婚,都是已婚,如果再在香港結婚,就是重婚。
2007-07-11 10:29 pm
重婚 (Bigamy) is when one individual is married to two people at the same time; a person doubly married is a bigamist. Many countries have specific statutes outlawing bigamy, making any secondary marriage a crime.

Note that these laws aren't limited to cases of traditional polygamy, where the spouses know about each other. They also cover cases such as a man who breaks up with his wife, and without divorcing her, marries another woman. It even covers the occasional case of a man who sets up a second family with a second wife, keeping his dual marriage a secret from one or both of them. In both of these cases, the effect of these laws is to protect people from being married under false pretenses.

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