請代翻釋以下句子 (10分感激)

2007-07-11 6:36 pm
請不要網上翻譯功具!! 要真係好熟識英文的人!! 十萬分感謝!!!

1) 希望我們能像以前一樣咁開心, 可以嗎?

2) 請你原諒我好嗎? 我以後都會好樂意將心事告訴你知.

3) 不要對我這樣殘忍好嗎? 我會很傷心的!

4) 你有了答案嗎? 不論是與否, 我都想知道!

5) 你曾經說過你不會放棄我, 我現在對你說: 我也不想失去你!

6) 我真的不想失去你!

7) 你已經不愛我嗎?

8) 每一晚我也睡不著, 太想念你了!

9) 算了吧! 或許我們真的沒有緣份! 但我會永遠愛你! 永遠不會忘記你!

10) 能夠被你愛過, 也算是我的榮幸! 謝謝你給我的愛!

回答 (5)

2007-07-12 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案

樓上那些用戶文法﹐用詞不當﹐有些很港式英文, 以下是我的翻譯。

1) 希望我們能像以前一樣咁開心, 可以嗎?
I wish that we will continue to enjoy our relationship, just like what we did in the past, can we?

2) 請你原諒我好嗎? 我以後都會好樂意將心事告訴你知.
Will you forgive me? From now on I will tell you everything/I will not hide my feelings.

3) 不要對我這樣殘忍好嗎? 我會很傷心的!
Can you stop tormenting me? You hurt my feelings.

4) 你有了答案嗎? 不論是與否, 我都想知道!
What is in your mind? Whatever it is, I want to know.

5) 你曾經說過你不會放棄我, 我現在對你說: 我也不想失去你!
In the past, you said that you wouldn't give up on me. Now I want to tell you:"I don't want to lose you/give up on you either!"

6) 我真的不想失去你!
I really don't want to lose you/let you go!

7) 你已經不愛我嗎?
You don't love me anymore, do you? / You are no longer in love with me, aren't you?

8) 每一晚我也睡不著, 太想念你了!
I can't sleep at night because I have been missing you too much!

9) 算了吧! 或許我們真的沒有緣份! 但我會永遠愛你! 永遠不會忘記你!
So be it. Perhaps we aren't meant to be lovers. But I will always love you, and will never forget you!

10) 能夠被你愛過, 也算是我的榮幸! 謝謝你給我的愛!
I am blessed/honored that I was once in love with you. Thank you very much!
參考: 自己﹐ 我住在美國
2007-07-11 7:04 pm
1) I wish that we can be happy like before, can we?

2) Please forgive me. I will always tell you my secrets in my mind.

3) Don't cruel to me. I will be very sad.

4) Do you have an answer? I wanna know no matter yes or no.

5) You said that you won't give up for me. Now I say to you: I don't wanna live without you.

6) I don't wanna live without you really.

7) Don't you love me?

8) I am sleeplessness every night because I really miss you.

9) Just forgot it. We may have wrong timing but I do love you forever and I never forget you.

10) I proud of you loved me. Thank you for your love.
參考: me
2007-07-11 6:58 pm
1) Wish that we can be happy together as if in the past, cant we?

2) Could you please forgive me? I am willing to tell you my every thought and feeling to you in the future.

3) Please do not be this kind of cruel to me! It breaks my heart

4) Have you got an answer? No matter what it is, I just want to know!

5) You used to say that you will not give me up. And now, I wanna tell you that I don't wanna lose you, either

6) I really dun wanna lose you

7) Are you not loving me now?

8) I can't sleep every night, but thinking of you

9) Never mind. Perhaps we have miss all the chances given! But I love you forever! I will never forget you!

10) Having been loved by you is my pleasure! Thank you for you love!
2007-07-11 6:50 pm
1) 希望我們能像以前一樣咁開心, 可以嗎?

I hope we can be happy like before, can we do that?

2) 請你原諒我好嗎? 我以後都會好樂意將心事告訴你知.

Please forgive me, from now on I will tell you everything in my mind.

3) 不要對我這樣殘忍好嗎? 我會很傷心的!

Please do not do this to me, I will getting really hurt.

4) 你有了答案嗎? 不論是與否, 我都想知道!

Have you got the answer? Whether it is yes or no, I still want to know!

5) 你曾經說過你不會放棄我, 我現在對你說: 我也不想失去你!

You said you will not abandon me, now I want to say to you " I won't abandon you too!"

6) 我真的不想失去你!

I really don't want to lost you.

7) 你已經不愛我嗎?

You don't love me anymore?

8) 每一晚我也睡不著, 太想念你了!

I can't sleep every night, I miss you so much!

9) 算了吧! 或許我們真的沒有緣份! 但我會永遠愛你! 永遠不會忘記你!

Fine! May be it is not the right time for us! But I will continue to love you forever! I will never forget you!

10) 能夠被你愛過, 也算是我的榮幸! 謝謝你給我的愛!

I am very proud for being loved by you! Thank you for giving me love!
參考: myself
2007-07-11 6:42 pm
1) Hoped we could look like before same happy, might?
1) 希望我們能像以前一樣咁開心, 可以嗎?

2) Asks you to forgive me to be good? I later can good be glad the concern to tell you to know.
2) 請你原諒我好嗎? 我以後都會好樂意將心事告訴你知.

3) To me such cruel? I can be very sad!
3) 不要對我這樣殘忍好嗎? 我會很傷心的!

4) You had the answer? No matter or not, I want to know!
4) 你有了答案嗎? 不論是與否, 我都想知道!

5) You had said you will not give up me, I said now to you: I do not want to lose you!
5) 你曾經說過你不會放棄我, 我現在對你說: 我也不想失去你!

6) I really does not want to lose you!
6) 我真的不想失去你!

7) You already did not love me?
7) 你已經不愛我嗎?

8) Every late I also cannot fall asleep, too thought of you!
8) 每一晚我也睡不著, 太想念你了!

9) Considers as finished! Perhaps we really does not have the fate! But I will forever love you! Never will forget you!
9) 算了吧! 或許我們真的沒有緣份! 但我會永遠愛你! 永遠不會忘記你!

10) Can love by you, is also my being honored! Thanks you to give my love!
10) 能夠被你愛過, 也算是我的榮幸! 謝謝你給我的愛!

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