Fantasie Impromptu~

2007-07-11 5:35 pm

但係佢d 音係左手6個音 對右手既4個音


回答 (2)

2007-07-15 4:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Are you talking about the beginning? It is not 6 against 4. It is 3 against 4... You have to play 3 notes with your left hand for every 4 notes you play with your right hand...
So, count 1 to 12.
RH: 1,4,7,10
LH: 1,5,9
The best way to practice is to pick one measure and practice it until you feel comfortable with the rhythm. This is probably the hardest thing of the piece. After you get the rhythm, you can practice hands separately just to learn the notes. Finally, put them together.
Good luck. :-)
參考: me (piano performance major in college)
2007-07-11 10:09 pm
Count with compound time, for instance 12/8.

[1 2 3] / [4 5 6] / [7 8 9] / [10 11 12]

[1 2] / [3 4] / [5 6] / [7 8] / [9 10] / [11 12]

That is, you have to pay attention on the count of
right hand: 1, 4, 7, 10
left hand: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
參考: nil

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