
2007-07-11 3:22 pm

回答 (4)

2007-07-11 6:11 pm
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電子機票其實係一張 a 4 paper 既機票...日後所有機票都會係咁樣...因為一張機票既 paper 都要成 $ 2, 3 蚊既成本.... 航空公司想降低成本...就用電子機票黎代替..

當你上網訂機票.... 最好就有 printer ..咁你一訂完就可以 print 張電子機票出黎... 如果冇 print ... 亦可以抄底佢地既 booking number 連同你比錢既信用咭, passport , 去機場 check in ....

如果你係旅行社到訂.... 咁旅行社多數會 print 張電子機票比你...或者比個 booking number 你....

你要肯定你既出發日期...去邊到... booking number ... 姓名, 回程日期同地點...
check in 時 bring 你既 passport , booking number 或者係電子機票.....

p.s 其實當你係上網訂機票個時.... 佢地都想你有部 printer ... 先去 print 張電子機票出黎
2007-07-12 1:03 am
電子機票張receipt 都有回程資料。。
2007-07-11 3:45 pm
Usually if you just to there to visit, they won't ask you for the return ticket.


1. if you go in and out many times and they have stamped your passport.
2. if you are not citizen and you are bring a lot of stuff with you, they may have reasons to believe that you won't leave the country
3. if you need a VISA to get in and your VISA is about to expire within 3 months, they can ask to check your return ticket making sure you are not staying without a VISA

Using electronic ticket is fine. They shouldn't have a problem with that. Unless they can't read the words on it or they believe it's fake -- they can't find it on the airline's system. In that case, the airline ground staff won't even let you on the plane anyway.

Hope this helps.
參考: myself
2007-07-11 3:43 pm
it is not a matter as long as u show Customs with enough info and ensure you will back to HK is fine.

just follow me as I used 電子機票 last year.

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