URGENT如果我俾左人地 本人全名及銀行資料 俾人過錢入我戶口(個人係外國), 對於我黎講有冇任何潛在風險有可能發生?

2007-07-11 12:22 pm

有人係外國想我幫佢買野寄俾佢, 係非洲, 個人我唔識既, 我朋友介紹
咁佢就叫我send我既全名full name 同銀行詳細資料Bank details 俾佢, 等佢過數俾我買佢想要既野俾佢...........

如果我俾左佢 本人全名 及 銀行資料 俾佢, 對於我黎講有冇d咩任何潛在風險有可能發生?
例如佢可能可以係我個account transfer d錢走, 囉我個account做犯罪活動, 軛我錢, 又或者任何可能 係因為囉左我既全名full name 同銀行詳細資料Bank details 黎做一d對我不利, 有害甚至係令我犯法既事?!

呢種交易, 又有冇D咩需要留意?

多謝晒 !

回答 (2)

2007-07-11 3:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. you physically being in front of the bank counter
2. your signature
3. your bank card
4. a piece of your ID (like driver's license)

Depends on the bank's policies, the only thing he can really do is put $$ into the account. Because he is not the account holder, he can't even get the balance on the account (in other words, he can't find out how much you have in your account)

However, for illegal activities, there's always a way if he tries to ...

1. trick a dumb Teller (more likely) e.g. tell him/her that he lost his bank card but trying to gain access to your account (since he has your name, account number, he just needs to find out more info about you, maybe your birthday/address, or just create a fake piece of ID with your info on it)

2. "park" the $$ in your account that he might have obtained illegally (but bank can trace where the $$ comes from, unless it's cash and he faked some signature on the deposit slip). But why would he do that ... he may not get his $$ back.

Hope I am not confusing you too much.
參考: myself
2007-07-13 3:09 pm
agree with Jodie...

In her point 4...
4. a piece of your ID (like driver's license)*
In HK, that means your HKID

and as well, if you really are worried, then don't give that person your information, and if he/she can wait, then ask him/her to send you an Cashier Order/Demand Draft, that is a cheque issue by the bank and what they need is just your name which you use on your bank account (like the cheque you receive in HK, you need to give them your name so that they can issue you a cheque for you to deposit), and an address that they can mail the cheque to you. BUT remember, usually if you do the deposit, there are charges for the cheque clearing and on the clearing lead time, usually will be 3 weeks... so, you can take your pick on which method you would like them to go for :)

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