✔ 最佳答案
Please hold.
There is no one available for the moment
(或 Mr xxx is not available for the moment)
要唔要留voice mail
Would you like to leave a voice mail?
Would you like to leave him/her a voice mail?
係邊位 call 呢?
May I ask who's calling?
A先生 B call 你...
Mr A,I have Mr B on the line (如果佢知阿B係邊個)
Mr A,I have a Mr B on the line (如果佢唔知阿B係邊個)
Mr A,I have Mrs A on the line
...are you available to take the call?
A先生 B call 你,請聽四線
Mr A,I have Mr B on line 4 (同上)
May I have the name of the guest please?
Do you have the room number?
I'm sorry but we do not give away that info...
...for privacy concerns
...for the protection of our guests
...it is against our policy.
我同你駁去 room service
Let me connect you to room service
Thank you for calling, have a great day/good evening
2007-07-11 01:39:18 補充:
樓上的英文唔可以用Execuse me, what is your name?係一個好冇禮貌的問法,警察問人至會咁問。What room number you want to find?咁唔係英文,最多係唐人街英文。應該係May I ask what is the room number that you are trying to reach please?What is the room number that you are trying to reach please?
2007-07-11 01:39:53 補充:
Would you mind to tell me your name?又係唐人街英文。應該係May I ask who is calling?Who would you like to find?應該係May I ask what is the name of the person/guest you are trying to reach?
2007-07-11 01:40:14 補充:
仲有一個重點,就係可以的話,要避免講「he」「she」,因為就算日常對話,都有少少冇禮貌;「you」都要避得就避。所以要記住人地個名,講「Mr/Mrs 乜」之類,例如「Mr A, Mr B is not available to take your call...」
2007-07-11 01:41:05 補充:
如果個人講極都唔完,你可以叫佢個名幾次就cut到佢。例如,有人自稱係某客個老公,要你講個客個房間號碼 ,酒店話左你唔講得,你講左佢都唔放棄,不停咁講,你可以咁cut 佢:「Mr X, Mr X, Mr X, I understand, and you are correct. Unfortunately we are not allowed to give away that information...」
2007-07-11 01:47:02 補充:
每次聽電話,可以咁開始:Thank you for calling XYZ Hotel, how may I direct your call?如果個客好友善,一開口就善意問候你(美國人好鍾意咁),「Hey how's it going」,「Wussup man」,你可以咁答I'm doing great, thank you for asking. How are you, sir?通常跟住個人就會自已講想點,唔駛再問。不過如果佢唔醒目,你可以問:How may I direct your call?
2007-07-11 09:58:41 補充:
仲有,可以既話,就少d用「I」咁至會 pro。你 call 某個房間,要咁講:Hello Mr A, this is the operator...
2007-07-11 09:58:55 補充:
形容事,用passive voice會pro d。例如話,唔好話...someone left a package for you要話...there is a package for you.