✔ 最佳答案
1. Look for the Finance part of Newspaper.
2. Ask or search from the Internet
3. Except some large organization, the possiblility of taking white IPO form in Sanpokong or Tokawan maybe larger;
otherwise, if only 10-15 bank branch have form provided, usually, you need to look for it at TST, Mongkok, Kwun Tong in Kowloon.
4. Try to buy the IPO through your Internet or Phone banking rather than the white form (of course their is charge from your bank)
5. Some IPO have EIPO, you can also through EIPO that is free too.
2007-07-11 00:39:47 補充:
http://www.hkex.com.hk/investor_c.htmEIPO INFO