chem既問題,唔識呀。help ~~~

2007-07-11 8:18 am
can you suggest an experimential method that can be used to separate some solution from ppt~

回答 (3)

2007-07-11 8:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can use fileration: the ppt can be separated by pour the substrate into the funnel lined with filter papar.

Since the filter paper with very fine pore and only the solution can be passed though. Then ppt with stay on filter paper. You can remove the ppt after the filter paper after dry.
參考: me
2007-07-15 3:53 am
We can use filtration to separate the solution from insoluble ppt.. First, fold the filter paper and put it in the filter funnel. Next, put the solution in the filter funnel and obtain the filtrate from the solution.
2007-07-11 8:29 am
FILTRATION using filter paper
put a folded filter paper in a funnel
pour the solution with ppt into the funnel
ppt is filter out and solution obtained.

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