男仔卷髮,應該點剪 ?

2007-07-11 12:11 am
我d頭髮自然卷,又唔係好勁,但係條條都畫到條曲線出黎,而家頭髮長咗,過咗眉同耳,後面唔係太長,成日d頭髮都唔係好聽話,飛黎飛去,搞到個頭好亂....應該點剪 ?

回答 (2)

2007-07-12 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
l think you need consult with the professional hairstylist, this salon is very best for me in the pass time, hair cut only $80, the skill with services both excellent, share with you la...

lD Hair (TST)
Tel:27213982 / 27213987
2007-07-11 12:24 am
一係陸軍頭, 一係電直好似林保怡咁(我記得之前睇過d電視劇佢整直過都幾好睇)

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