Help,how to make a girl to love me?

2007-07-10 11:17 pm
I love a girl so much,but she don't love me I know
but she is not lesbian
how can I make her to love me?

回答 (4)

2007-07-12 12:03 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-07-15 12:19:23 補充:
2007-07-20 12:27 am
You can say to Friend A (You love this girl) , then Friend A say to the girl.
Finally,this girl will know you love she!!!!
參考: My sons father (Me)
2007-07-12 10:11 pm
tell her.........
I think this is the best way....... no more.
2007-07-11 1:22 am

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