
2007-07-10 9:09 pm

回答 (2)

2007-07-10 9:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Many hearty thanks 由衷的感謝你
OR, I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart

I appreciate your help 感激你的幫助

Your kindness is deeply appreciated 你的善意, 我萬分感激

Your experience has given me much confidence 你分享的經驗令我增加不少信心

Thanks to your help, I have gained an insight into how knowledge should be acquired 因為你的幫助, 我察覺到應該怎麼樣增進智識

I've taken so much of your time, I don't know how to say what I feel inside 花去你那麼多時間, 真的不知怎樣多謝你

I'm not much with words, once again thank you so much 我不善辭令, 只好再次說聲多謝 ( It is best to save this expression until the very last )


I'm profoundly grateful for your willingness to share your valuable experience with me 你願意與我分享你寶貴的經驗, 我深為感激
OR, I want to express my profound gratitude to you for sharing such valuable experience with me
( Bill Clinton used the expression 'profound gratitude' more than once when he thanked others in public )
( The whole expression is a bit formal. You can use it in writing or in more formal occasions )

Of course there are many other ways to say this, mine are only a few examples. See if it helps.
2007-07-10 9:15 pm
thank you very much
i am so appreciated for what you've done
very much appreicated
i m touched
i thank you from my bottom of my heart
thanks for your effort.....

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