
2007-07-10 7:29 am
應該用咩tense,用past tense又無註明時間,但present perfect呢,我又讀完啦wor

had been studied


上面果個係乜tense? have been studied又係乜tense?

回答 (4)

2007-07-10 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果係岩岩讀完6年返黎gei話就: I have been studied in the U.K. for six years.
如果講返一段時間之前的話就: I used to study in the U.K. for six years. / I had been studied in the U.K. for six years.
2007-07-10 8:03 am
I was studying in the UK in the past 6 years
2007-07-10 7:42 am
I studied in the UK for six years

因你已讀完無再讀, 所以用過去式

NOT present perfect

2007-07-09 23:43:56 補充:
If you say I have studied in the UK for 6 years, it does not mean you have stopped studying
2007-07-10 7:39 am
I was studing in England for six years.
參考: me

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