(10點!)恆 光 實 業#663 Vs 冠 中 地 產 #193

2007-07-10 6:42 am
我 打 算 買 股 票 ﹐ 恆 光 實 業 #663 和 冠 中 地 產 #193 兩 隻 ﹐ 邊 隻 較 買 得 過 多呢 ? 請 比 少 少 意 見 同 分 析 ~多 謝 !

回答 (2)

2007-07-10 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
自己經驗, 炒股仔風險高, 就算真係炒, 記得搵d交投量大既股仔先好炒, 因如果你買左交股量細既股仔, 就算升到你target位, 但都無人接貨, 咁都真係有錢都賺唔到..
所以如果你係要係呢2隻揀...我見議你買#193...好似今日剩係隻#193都巳經1.35億成交量, 2千6百萬成交額...跟隻#663比較...咁會似樣d
參考: 自己意見...唔o岩聽請見諒
2007-07-18 7:56 am
Better not to buy both at this moment, reason as follow:

1) Currenty I have 75000 of 193 冠中地產 on hand, the price at peak was 0.18 and it is now dropping. And the potential has already been exhausted as it has risen from $0.025 to now $0.144, so if you buy this stock, there is no such big potential to rise.

2) The 每股賬面值 of 663 恒光行實 is worthless, and at the same time, 截至2006年12月31日12個月,集團錄得全年虧損為5.63百萬港元, so no point to buy it.

My opinion to you is to save your money, try something else, for instance, 355, 261, 412, 214... all cent stock that may fit your needs

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