
2007-07-10 4:40 am



回答 (5)

2007-07-11 9:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
白菜 果你係用大白菜的話
再睇下邊樣材料你會方便d買到, 豬骨, 豬, 瘦肉或者雞都得, 都會好好味...
全部野其實都可以o係supermarket買到, 又方便又好味, 洗乾淨大火煲到d白菜淋就得, 大約45mins左右又唔洗點睇火...
但最好用雞, 因煲出來會好好味
參考: 自己, 成日食唔哂d菜都會煲湯
2007-07-11 12:55 am
2007-07-10 7:37 am
可以配廋肉, 現時天氣咁熱可以加d 冬瓜,青紅蘿白 等等....
如果唔想咁麻煩,你可以去超級市場(惠康 & 百佳) 有一set 湯包買,都唔錯 ga .
料又多,又唔係太貴 30 , 40 蚊 左右.
2007-07-10 7:07 am
bok choi can cook with pork ribs / beef slices soup

bok choi with pork ribs soup
2Kg bok choi
500g pork ribs
2slice ginger
salt n pepper

1. boil pork ribs under boiling water for 5mins
2. use cold water to clean the pork ribs (less fat for the soup later)
3. boil water and put ginger for 3mins. add pork ribs for 10mins. put bok choi n cook other 25-35mins.
4. Add salt n pepper before eat

Bok choi with beef slices
2kg bok choi
500g thin beef slice (about 1mm thick per slice)
2slice ginger
2clover garlic (thin slices)
2tsp soy sauce
1tsp sugar
1tsp sesame oil
1tsp oil

1. pur half of garlic, soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil with beef over 5mins
2. put oil into the pot, add ginger n garlic fry until golden colour.
3. add hot water into the boil, until is become boiling add bok choi cook 10mins
4. put the marinaded beef into the soup n cook other 10mins - 20mins

Don't cook the soup more then 1hour.. if not bok choi'll lost the texture and nutrition.
參考: i cook them at home
2007-07-10 4:49 am

材料: 白菜半斤 , 廋肉1/2 斤 , 紅蘿蔔1-2個, 蜜棗2粒
廋肉洗淨, 備用 , 紅蘿蔔切開幾份
預適量清水, 放進全部材料 開火, 湯滾, 然後用慢火煲1.5個鐘
加少許鹽調味, 便可飲用

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