
2007-07-10 3:19 am


回答 (2)

2007-07-10 3:22 am
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2007-07-13 10:24:11 補充:
梳利m(_ _)m唔會左你意思tim你試想想你有冇見過車會有雷達或者一D差唔多ge野先仲有你有見過天空上面有欄桿?由於天上冇野左住(其他機除外)咁咪唔需要囉而且佢地仲有規定條冇其他機ge路線
2007-07-14 11:32 am
control the plane is WAY more complicated than the car

here is the picture of a cockpit (駕駛艙), you can take a look so that you can have a rough idea....
you need to understand and manage all those buttons and control, in case if there is any problem and the automatically control isn't working or any accident, you have to use the manual one


2007-07-14 03:34:15 補充:
you better not fail during taking passangers, coz EVERY lifes are in your hand

2007-07-14 03:35:07 補充:
oh, if you doin't mind, if you are in any airline, please lemme know the name of it, so that i can make sure i am not taking that plane

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