at/in the airport??(10點~~)

2007-07-10 3:05 am
究竟應該係at/in the airport?邊個先係correct?
我又見過at school同/in school
我在家呀,就用at home......但我係響間屋入面架wor,why用at?
in home幾時用?

回答 (2)

2007-07-10 6:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
多數係用at the airport,因為呢種用法係大範圍指在機場內外,附屬於機場的地方,例如停機秤、機場外附近的地方等(但吾包括飛機上)。

而in the airport就指機場裏面的地方(一定係室內),包括機場內的店舖、廁所等等,一律都係用in the airport。

我響機場內見到我個fd------I meet my friend in/at the airport.(兩個都得)


用at同用in home都係可以指在屋入面。

多數係用at school,因為呢種用法係大範圍指在學校內外。

而in schoolm只指明在學校裏面。

我而家響學校------I am in/at school now.(兩個都得)
參考: My Knowledge + My Mind + My Experience + My Professional
2007-07-10 7:28 am
"At the airport" is correct but "In the airprot" is not correct."At school" is correct but "In school"is not correct."At home" is correct but "In home" is not correct.

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