ATM card 同 Credit card 有咩野唔同?

2007-07-10 2:05 am
ATM card 同 Credit card 有咩野唔同?

回答 (3)

2007-07-10 2:15 am
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ATM card 係指你個銀行戶口有幾多錢,你可以o禁機o禁出來。即o禁即係你戶口扣。

Credit card 唔一定你戶口有錢。唔要look卡唔超過limit就得。到時銀行會寄帳單俾你,你要去交卡數。好多人無錢而唔交卡數,銀行會charge手續費、利息等等。
2007-07-10 6:21 pm
ATM card is a kind of debit card. That mean you can use the card for payment (e.g. EPS) or withdraw money from automatic teller machines. The first criteria is you have enough money in your bank accounts for deduction. It is because the bank would debit (deduct) the money from your bank accounts immediately once you paid or withdrew.

However, for credit card, even though you don't have enough money in your bank accounts, you can still use it for your enjoyment in advance. It is because the bank would grant you a credit limit for the card. Usually, you have to settle the bill on monthly basis. Of course, if you overdue the payment, you have to pay very high interest (usually 20+% p.a.) to banks.
2007-07-10 2:10 am
atm card 係你有的錢係銀行中提取及調動, 而只係你有的$$$.
credit card, 係你預先使銀行比你的信貸,到限期就要比銀行, 唔係就收你interest.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:13:08
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