
2007-07-10 12:52 am
我今年14歲, arm arm開始跳緊 grade 6
我之前停學左兩年, 一年前學番跳舞
想試下轉去其他ge ballet school coz想要密少少ge training同好 d ge教學


1) 如果去王仁曼到報名, 我係咪要報成人班?
(我又未到vocational ge level,
但係graded exam ge班就有年齡限制..最大只收12歲)

2) 佢會唔會收一d脊柱側彎ge學生?

3) 我未on pointe.. 佢咩班開始教on pointe?

4) d老師好唔好人? 如果我未適應到, 佢地會唔會樂於幫我融入課堂?

5) compare wif 毛妹, 毛妹d老師會唔會好d?
收生條件會唔會比較適合我? 價錢方面會唔會好d..?


回答 (3)

2007-07-11 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 16歲應該仲可以跳grade架喎..... 16歲唔使跳成人班住喇!!!!!!!!!!!! 我個grade (G7) 都有d係F5.... 所以唔使擔心.... 有得跳grade既....!!!!!!!!!!

2) 佢會收一d脊柱側彎ge學生架!!!!!!!!!! 據我所知王仁曼入面都有好多呢d學生..... 其實佢地係咩學生都會收....!!!!!!!!!! 只係佢地會選d身材好同條件好既去上scholar.... 可以俾少d學費

3) on pointe 應該係intermediate foundation先會開始on pointe.... 上呢班係會選人去上.... 唔會個個都可以上的.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4) d老師唔好人架!!!!!!!!!!!! 初初去既話就會睇下你.... 但係一跳耐左,, 就唔會理你架喇!!!!!!!!! d老師好偏心架!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 佢地多數只會理一下叻d個d學生

5) 因為我冇去過mo mui,, 所以我唔知.... sorry,,, 但係你可以去試下既....
2007-07-19 5:15 am
I am the student from Jeam . m.w you do not need to 報成人班 !
u go to any studio at the time its open and tell the receptioner u want to 報名**( bring 1 photo )then the reception will ask u to have one free lesson and see which class u shoud be in !!!when u arive the stdio, the teachers and students or receptioners will help u !!
there are many studos ! choose one which is near to your house !!

2007-07-18 21:18:34 補充:
about Grade 6 開始教on pointetheachers are very good but if u are unlucky , u may need to be taught by a easy to be angry teacher ! but u behave well and try your best everytime , u may not be punished !!
參考: myself
2007-07-10 8:29 am
1) you have to be 16 years old, to join 成人班 ( their 成人班 is bad ! )

2) they maybe let you in but they must put you into a low quality class, e.g. fat classmates, bad teacher

3) sorry, i don't know for this. i guess about grade 5

4) 唔好人 !

5) maybe you can try this : www.ejballet.com

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