what happen呢.......(10點)!!

2007-07-09 10:04 pm
我地會唔會用present tense既what happen?
咁又會唔會用what's happened(present perfect)??

回答 (5)

✔ 最佳答案
用present continuous tense
用present continuous tense

好似冇what happen個喎......

What happened
果樣野發生o既時間維持得好短o既 就會用past tense
例如有人打爛左隻杯, 有個人聽到個杯跌落地o既聲, 就問另一個在場o既人:
What happened just now?
What's happening
果樣野發生緊o既 就用present continuous tense
例如響街度有人嗌緊交, 好多人圍住嗌緊交果d人, 有個人經過, 唔清楚點解d人會圍埋一舊, 就問其中一個睇緊嗌交o既人:
What's happening over there?

What has happened

果樣野已經發生左o既 就用present perfect tense.
例如有個人番到公司見到個朋友唔係好開心, 就問另一個在場o既同事:
What has happened to her?

2007-07-12 21:39:00 補充:
到目前為止件事已經發生左既 就用present perfect tense例如你問一個女仔響舊年讀左幾多本書, 就問:How many books has she read this year?她在今年閱讀了多少本書?

2007-07-12 21:39:08 補充:
通常都係用present perfect tense, 以下呢種情況先用past perfect tense:When Amy woke up, Peter had already eaten his breakfast.當艾美起床, 彼德已經吃了早餐。woke = past tense, 所以後面個present tense 都要用past tense.
參考: myself
2007-07-09 11:37 pm
--Present Continous tense,,Because it 's a dialogue. We usually use Present Continous tense in a dialogue.Also,, you are asking why he is crying ,, so u should use
Present Continous tense
--Persent perfect tense//Pat tense,, Because u want to ask what had happened,, it had happened. Also it has JUST happened.
2007-07-09 10:20 pm
Usually we will ask [what happened?] (past tense) because we suppose 件事已經發生了.
You can also ask [What has happened?] (剛剛發生了甚麼事?)
如果你想問現在正在發生甚麼事,你要說 [What is happening?] or [What is going on here?]
We seldom say [What happen?] or [What happens?] as it doesn't represent our meaning fully.
2007-07-09 10:19 pm
present perfect 就會extensive d...
參考: me
2007-07-09 10:09 pm
用present tense呀~~

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