why is vegetable good to us?

2007-07-09 7:54 pm
why is vegetable good to us?

回答 (3)

2007-07-09 8:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is because vegetable contains various nutritions, especially vitaminC and fibre, which can enhance our resistance against diseases and gastrointestinal health.

2007-07-09 13:26:21 補充:
上面Suyi Lui Lui 話: Vegetables contact variety of nutrition, 但係contact只有接觸或聯繫的意思, 並冇包含的意思, 所以要用contain, 唔係contact.同埋我發覺自己ge回答有D grammatical mistake, 應該用contain, 唔需要s, 而nutrition係uncountable, 所以唔應該有s.

2007-07-09 13:26:33 補充:
成句應該係咁:It is because vegetable contain various nutrition, especially vitaminC and fibre, which can enhance our resistance against diseases and gastrointestinal health.
參考: me+ yahoo dictionary
2007-07-09 8:14 pm
Vegetables contact variety of nutrition , e.g. Water soluble vitamins , Carbohyrate , Minerals and Dietary Fible.
2007-07-09 7:59 pm
poo poo will go smoothly after eating vegetable!!!

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