
2007-07-09 2:30 pm
我d英文唔好啊,驚隻game的GM睇唔明,唔該邊個可以幫我寫一封信?要語法流暢d,萬分感謝,內容大概係咁 :
GM們 ,你們好,關於前幾天我被封帳號的事,我想說明一下,當時我和公會會員們在練級,我用物件卡住了空白鍵就離開電腦前,當我回來的時候.我的遊戲人物被傳送到了一個地圖,我不能離開那裡,我聯絡了線上GM才知道我被封禁了,源因是我長時間按著空白鍵,這是遊戲本身有的功能,我不知道這樣也犯了錯,我絕對沒有使用遊戲以外的程式或外掛程式來進行遊戲,之前也沒試過用空白鍵自動攻擊這招練級,我真的不知道這樣做犯了錯,現在我知道了這樣做的錯的,我保證以後都不會這樣做,而且會成為一個好玩家,請GM給一次機會,放了我的人物,多謝

回答 (2)

2007-07-09 4:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我d英文唔好啊,驚隻game的GM睇唔明,唔該邊個可以幫我寫一封信?要語法流暢d,萬分感謝,內容大概係咁 :
GM們 ,你們好,關於前幾天我被封帳號的事,我想說明一下,當時我和公會會員們在練級,我用物件卡住了空白鍵就離開電腦前,當我回來的時候.我的遊戲人物被傳送 到了一個地圖,我不能離開那裡,我聯絡了線上GM才知道我被封禁了,源因是我長時間按著空白鍵,這是遊戲本身有的功能,我不知道這樣也犯了錯,我絕對沒有 使用遊戲以外的程式或外掛程式來進行遊戲,之前也沒試過用空白鍵自動攻擊這招練級,我真的不知道這樣做犯了錯,現在我知道了這樣做的錯的,我保證以後都不 會這樣做,而且會成為一個好玩家,請GM給一次機會,放了我的人物,多謝
GM = Game manager?

Dear Game manager,

Hello, I would like to ask questions about my account which has been disable a few days ago, I would like to clarify that I was practicing with other members at the same level, I put something on the space button on my keyboard.
However, when I came back, my game character has been transferred to another map, which I cannot leave that place, I contacted the online Game Manager and realize my account has been disabled, because I pressed the space button for too long, this is a function of the game, and I did not know this is wrong. I did not use any programs other than the game itself to play the game; I never used the space button to play the game before for practice.
I honestly do not know it is illegal to do so, now I know I made this mistake, I promise I will not do this again, I will be a good player, please give me a chance for me to play the character again.

Thank you
Yours faithfully,

(Your name)

Is that ok?
參考: myself
2007-07-09 5:22 pm
我來挑戰一下你的問題= =...我想你應該是send email給GM吧, 我來一個email的format吧^^"""

To whom who may concern

Thank you for your time to read my mail. I feel so upset that my game account had been temporary terminated by game master since a few days ago. Actually, I would like to explain the such situation to you.

In while, I had go with my house member for level up and I locked the space bar then away fm my keyboard. When I came back, my game character had been transferred to somewhere in other map then I couldn't leave over there. So that, I had advised Game Master and knew that my account was locked by GM cause of inproper used function key. But I throught that was a proper function so I dunno know which is the inproper way.

I feel so sorry about my disunderstanding of the game function key and make a lot of trouble to the GM. I promised that will not be happen again from now on and will be use the proper way to go on the game. So, is it possible to retrieve my game account as your early convenience? I will be appreciated for your prompt respones and look forward from yours as soon as possible.


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