
2007-07-09 12:20 pm
Which of these individuals is most likely to be successful in an evolutionary sense?

1. an organism that dies after 5 days of life but leaves 10 offspring, all of whom survuve to reproduce
2. a reproductively sterile individual who never falls ill
3. an organism that lives 100 years and leaves 2 offspring, both of whom survive to reproduce

Please explain your answer and why others are incorrect.

回答 (2)

2007-07-09 4:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is 1. an organism that dies after 5 days of life but leaves 10 offspring, all of whom survive to reproduce.

For a more successful evolution, more genetic variation is needed. It is because this can increase the survival rate of the species in different/harsh condition.

For 1, although the organism dies quickly, it is able to leave 10 offsprings all of whom survive to reproduce. So, there would be more genetic variation to adapt the living condition.

For 2, although the offspring never falls ill, it is sterile. So that means that the offspring are unable to reproduce, and is unable to pass its genes to the next generation. So, it is not successful.

For 3, the organism lives 100 years, and leaves 2 offsprings. Then the genetic variatio is little. If the living condition changes a lot during this 100 years, they will have less chance to survive and will have a chance to extinct. So, this is not very successful.

All in all, the organism who can reproduce as much offspring as possible has adapted the more successful evolutionary sense.

參考: Myself~~~
2007-07-10 2:13 am
Answer is 3.

Firstly,reproduce is important,no reproduction,no offfsprings->no evolution is possible
because evolution is just the adaptation of offsprings to the environment encountered by the ancestors.so 2 is incorrect.

Evolution is a gradual cumulative process that lasts for many generations.
As mentioned by previous one, genetic variation is needed for evolution,but u have to remember it NEVER means increasing the survival rate/better adaptation to environment!
more genetic variations just provide offsprings with a BETTER CHANCE to adapt to the environment.so it is just a matter of chance,for example,even with more offsprings,it must not has higher survival rate.

But by comparing 1,3..as ur question is refer to the parent individual,,
parent1 is not quite adapted to the environment,as it is only viable for a few days
parent3 has much higher life span,so it is well adapted to environment,although it has lower number of offsprings,it passes the advantageous genes to offsprings that rise their chance to survive,so it is more successful.

Further,individual 3 is likely a K-selected organism,that means it usually has large body size, long life span, and the production of fewer offspring ,,so ait has higher ability to compete successfully for limited resources.while individual 1 is r-selected.
參考: personal logic

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