
2007-07-09 11:34 am
我d english 水平好唔掂呀.....我有試過搵d books ar, newspaper 睇嫁, 但係跟本就睇唔明, 唔知佢講咩, d 人又話唔好查字典wor....唔通就咁read, 唔明佢係咩都可以進步的嗎??? or 係有其他既方法......!!! 我有時連d 好普通既字都睇唔明嫁...真係好死!!!!!! 求各住幫幫我...~~~plz......我仲有一年入大學la....仲要係係美國wor...so 一定要train 好english !!!! 提供方法給我la...各位...!!!!! thx u very much....^^

回答 (6)

2007-07-09 9:52 pm
參考: from Yahoo
2007-07-09 7:08 pm
我係外國住左十幾年, 有時都重用字典

我建議你先查 英文字典, 真係唔明先再查 英漢字典.

睇書,報紙同電影會有幫助, 不過你覺得太深的話先從易D既比如童話, 小中學課本開始吧
記住選讀物時盡量選自己有興趣但又正統D既, 如果看漫畫之類學既英文就可能比較口語化

如果去讀course會有幫助, 不過呢D野係唔急得既, 慢慢比心機啦
2007-07-09 7:01 pm
搵個鬼妹做你要溝既目標啦,我以前都係咁,為左佢唔再聽中文歌,唔再睇中文書,唔再睇中文電視,仲迫呀媽cut哂d中文電視台 only allow local電視係屋企開,咁你就成功第一步
跟住就係揸車時就只會開英文電台聽,聽多d英文歌,試下從一首未聽過既歌聽到幾多句lyrics,之後上google search下睇下岩唔岩,岩就最好背埋首歌同唱多d,鐘意埋唱個首歌既歌手,溶入美國年輕人既生活同有年輕人既話題,久而久之你聽講都會好,聽講都好,寫同睇都會有所進步的了.

參考: 我的故事
2007-07-09 5:56 pm
Just reading Newspaper and books are not enough.
You should use english in daily life. Speak English all the time and don't watch any cantonese program on TV. Stick to English everyday. Buy your own notebook and write down all the words that you don't know. Check it on the dictionary and write down their meanings. Take the notebook out when you are watching TV, reading or talking to someone and jot down all the words that you don't understand. There is still another way, pick 2 word from the dictionary everyday and remember it. After a year, you will know 730 words more. But remember, you MUST do it everyday. Keep it up. And your English will improve a lot in a year.

Hope it helps and Good Luck!
參考: me! Myself!
2007-07-09 4:41 pm
I think you should join the Eng-Class club
Go to http://eng14.palintech.com/ENG/login
參考: shieley
2007-07-09 11:41 am
朋友, 有無聽過scanning & skimming??
睇articles, 先睇一次明左大概, 估下d唔識o既字, 最後先查字典, 查完最好搵本簿mark 低d生字...

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