2007-07-09 10:02 am
a.)Explain what is Quantity Theory of Money (QTM)

b.)Suppose the banking system do not hold excess reserves and the legal minimum reserve ration is 20%. Mr. X withdraws $20,000 from his saving account with bank A and keeps the money at home.

(i) Explain how the M1 will change immediately after the withdrawal.
(ii) Calculate the maximum possible change in the total deposits of the banking system.

Thank you sooooooooo much. but .............. so that 20000*0.8*1/required rate of reserve is the maximum possible change in the total deposits of banking system.?

回答 (2)

2007-07-09 6:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a) 即係explain mv= pq, 咁v 同q 都係constant唔變既, 當m增加既時候, 呢條theory 就話q係不變的, 會上升的只有p. 咁樣你都差唔多答到一版紙架la.

bi) m1 = money on hand + current account, mr x draw 20000 from saving, 自己手上多左20000蚊, 所以m1 =+20000

bii) 你將withdraw左既20000*0.8先再 * 1/required reserve rate. 你諗下, 當bank a唔keep reserve, 當佢有100000蚊deposit, 佢keep 20000蚊做reserve. 當mr x withdraw 20000蚊, 銀行個20000蚊reserve就無晒, 而佢既deposit = 80000蚊. 佢既新minimun required reserve就係80000*0.2=16000, 即係話bank a要recall番16000loan做reserve. 如此類推...
所以就係20000*0.8*1/required rate of reserve

2007-07-09 17:57:42 補充:
我呢度比左idea佢點樣將一條問題答得有足夠既資料, 通常alevel 問 explain what is qtm 應該都係8分無走雞. 下面唔silly既人兄唔通以為解釋下p=price level, v=velocity of money就可以拿晒8分??

2007-07-09 17:57:53 補充:
我以前miss又好, 出面補習又好, 不嬲都係話8分要一板紙. marking scheme d ans最短, 你試下寫咁少野睇下有咩成績ar. 如果解呢條問題唔出到mv=pq, 你點樣可以有足夠內容去拿呢8分. 人地問你what is utility, 唔通整係叫你寫utility is nothing more than an arbitrary assignment for ranking option 咩. 而家唔係f.5.

2007-07-11 14:39:25 補充:
我以為係money supply tim. 如果係deposit就係20000*1/rr, 因為mr x draw左20000蚊, 所以唔駛*0.8
參考: 自己
2007-07-09 10:42 pm
a.)Explain what is Quantity Theory of Money (QTM)

QTM is a theory used in explaining the relation between nominal money and its flow with the nominal national income. It comes with the equation of MV=PQ under different assumptions. (namely where M=nominal money stock, V= velocity of average money circulation, P is the general price level and Q is the real output produced by an economy within a period.)

Addidtionally, QTM =/= the equation of MV=PQ. This is totally a silly and stupid way to explain QTM in how the factor(s) in equation changes under difference variable(s) being constant.


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