一手愛歌. ..*

2007-07-09 9:36 am
我聽到一手歌. ..把歌詞都打到YAHOO但還是不知道這是什麼歌. ..歌詞大約是這樣.
i come to me when you feeling down
no one
you just say the megie word
an every
you just touch me like
some time
come around
and the feeling is true
i love you baby and i know you love me too
when you say you love me
最後果句>> only (之後果個吾知係咩字)
我剩係打左我聽得明既出黎*同埋我亦想要手歌既中文解釋丫. ...thx你地喇. ...

回答 (1)

2007-07-09 9:59 am
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[email protected]

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