殺"失"問題 (急)
我滴左殺"失"水,佢地吸左就會死架喇 ?
前日滴左殺"失"水(ZEMA),但係今日去足"失"果陣,d"失"都係識郁既,仲係度吸緊血,都殺唔死佢地既,有無d殺"失"水真係殺到"失"架 ? 我滴左係佢頸背,滴到連d毛都係,係唔係因為咁所以殺唔到"失"呢 ?
如果前日滴左殺"失"水",咁明天可唔可以幫佢沖涼呀 ?
希望有高人可以幫到我.....希望可以長盡d,但唔好copy and 作文
Thank a lot....唔該晒咁多位高手高手高高手.....
回答 (4)
Frontline 滴滴 in Australia don't work on fleas anymore. Sometimes have to use 2 doses at once for it too work, but it is very bad for your dog's health (can damage their kidneys). Frontline spray is still a very good product.
Do you have (Capstar) in Hong Kong? Really good. If you can't find it in Hong Kong, try to get them from the internet. They are not expensive tablets. 1 pack have 6 of them. That is the best product I can find so far. It will kill fleas within 30 minutes. After you first use it sure kill most of them,then whenever you see fleas again you feed your dog again until they are all gone. Same as Frontline, too much is not good for your dog.
Use 殺"失"水 you can not use it if you just bath your dog. Use it 2 days after you bath your dog. Then you have to wait at least 24 -48 hours without washing your dog again. (Different product different timing, always read the lable)
If you have given your dog within this 2-3 days, I insist you to give it again next week (do not use it this week. too much for your dog to handle)
Wait till next week, you have to buy some insect spray to spray your house. (Insect bomb will be the best) close all windows and doors, turn off all electronic devices. Go out for 2 hours. Come home open all windows and doors, all fleas and eggs should be dead. Then use double dose on your dog if you are not able to get capstar.
Until your dog get rid of the fleas or else the skin will be the same for at least 2 weeks. Your dog will get better, you just need to give your house a big clean up.
If you are not able to get rid of the fleas, seek for professional service. You can also ask the vet how to kill them. But I believe they will tell you the same as I told you.
Hope it helps lar, sorry I don't have Chinese writing pad at home. Good luck with your fleas killing mission.
想殺晒d虱, 一定要用勁野, frontline plus , 都係滴頸 ,
滴既時候有技巧一d, 千萬唔好比d 藥流晒去d毛毛度, 咁咪浪費晒囉, 係咪?
我自己既方法係將要滴既位置剪左d毛去, 係怪d, 有個圓形係中間, 但有效d, 可以確保d藥水係滲晒入皮膚而唔係走晒去d毛度
2007-07-09 04:06:34 補充:
滴殺虱藥-- 前後2日都唔好沖涼呀~~
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