
2007-07-09 6:09 am

(Why not other countries, or HK?)

回答 (2)

2007-07-09 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
百慕達擁有發達的國際商業經濟體系,是不少外國公司的離岸金融中心,也是保險及各項金融服務的金融輸出點。旅遊業亦為百慕達帶來可觀的收入。百慕達的人均收入約高於美國的50%;美國中央情報局出版的《世界概況》(The World Factbook)顯示,百慕達2004年的GDP有$45憶,這意味著人均總值達$69,900。換言之,百慕達擁有全球最高的人均GDP。
百慕達被視為首要的離岸金融中心,政府不向個人或公司收入徵收直接稅。當地稅制依賴進口稅、薪俸稅及消費稅。有關的政策為國際保險公司帶來優勢,百慕達因而被視為世界的轉保中心。[來源請求] 約400家由百慕達國際公司協會(Association of Bermuda International Companies,ABIC)作為代表的國際公司,自然以百慕達為基地。現今共有超過1,500家免稅公司和國際公司在百慕達註冊。
參考: wiki
2007-07-09 6:23 am
When they registered in Hong Kong, they need to follow all the law and regulation in Hong Kong. And, also need to pay normal tax of Hong Kong.

When they registered in Bermuda, they can save quite a lot of tax and need not to follow all regulation in Hong Kong. Of course, they need to follow basic regulation and relavent law as well.

Of course, some of other small countries can perform the same work to allow such registration. In most of such countries, they get the registration fee as income only and they do not take care with the operation of the companies.
參考: Self experience

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