( 10分 )Describing a game

2007-07-09 5:24 am
Your friend is haveing a party and asks you to suggest some fun games to play. Write an email describing how to play a game. What are the rules? What is the objective?

Please ...

Write 70 Words

回答 (1)

2007-07-09 11:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you are able to write this yourself...><

Hey xxx....I have a nice, fun game to introduce to you. This game is call "Keep In Touch". First, find a partner. Then let one of the groups to name two body parts, and now you and your partner have to use only those body parts to touch each other. Maybe I should give an example, if the parts are foot and hand, then you have to use your hand to touch your partner's foot; and your partner's hand has to touch your foot at the same time. If the group the can't do it, will be fail. Play until one group left, and that grop will be the winner. I hope we can have a chance to play it,and you'll like it. Anyways, see you on that day.~^^


hope my answer helps~~^^ Good Luck la...and try to play it with your friend too la...
參考: meme

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