
2007-07-09 5:15 am


回答 (1)

2007-07-11 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
導遊 tour guide: Responsible for bringing the tour to visit, sightseeing, shopping.. Take care of the members of the tour Answers the questions the tour people have.
He will explain in the information seminar what the members should consider bring during the tour in the tea sessions.
領隊: Tour Leader :Check in and check out in the hotel, get the ticket in the airport
Counter staff: give customers some information; refer the customers to the correct department and staff, answer the phone and some general questions of the calllers
机票部 Check the air plane price, schedules, and book the tickets for the customes.
He is also responsible for booking the package: hotel and air plane, ship, train ticket, cruise tour 豪華輪for people who just want to buy the tickets and tour by themselves.
全團部員: The staff of the tour section will help organize the schedules and packages for the customers who wants to set up company tour (like 50 people自由行)
General Manager經理: The Gemeral manager will oversea all the heads of the department in big travel agent. This is to make sure that the department co-operate with each other and work effectively.
Advertising and marketing department This department staff is responsible for planning and making advertisements to promote the sales of the agency. The staff of this department also has to determine what prices the plan should charge to compete with other travel agencies/
Accounting: The manager will be responsible for payroll-recording the staff expenses and calculating the profits and loss of the company. He is also responsible for preparing accounting reports and tax report to the government. (internal company matters)
人事部Human resource manager: responsible for interviewing hiring the people. He is also responsible to keep all the staff records He also manage to provide training for the new staff.
Computer technician: Fix the computer software, computer systems and printers of the travel agent

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 19:28:49
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