我想要一d英文愛情金句,要有中文解釋 要特別d

2007-07-09 4:45 am
我想要一d英文愛情金句,要有中文解釋 要特別d

回答 (4)

2007-07-09 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I have a crush on you. 我喜歡你

2. You are the most amazing woman that I have ever met.妳是我遇過最棒的女人

3. Could this be love? 這就是愛嗎?

4. He is perfect for me. 對我來說,他是滿分的

5. I am crazy about/for her! 我瘋也似地愛她

6. I have just met the woman of my life.我遇到我這輩子的女人了

7. There's no chemistry between us. 我們之間沒有愛情的火花

8. She cramps my style. 她不是我喜歡的那型

9. I am so into her. 我真的好喜歡她

10. She gives me reason to live. 她給我活下去的理由

11. You light up my life. 你點亮了我的生命

12. You complete me. 有了你, 我的生命才完整

13. He is all I need. 有他就夠了

14. That womanizer hits on every woman he sees. 那花心傢伙見一個愛一個

15. I am in search of romance. 我在尋覓浪漫

16. I am yours. 我是你的

17. I adore you. 我愛慕您

18. I am hopelessly in love with you. 我無可救藥地愛著你

19. I feel as if I am on top of the world when I am with you. 跟你在一起時,我覺得自己到了世界的頂點了

20. Whenever you kiss me, I feel moostruck. 每次你吻我,我就像被月亮打到一樣

21. You take my breath away and leave me breathless. 你叫我窒息

22. You intoxicate me. 你蠱惑著我

23. You are driving me insane. 你讓我瘋狂

24. Let's go steady. 我們穩定下來吧

25. You are the one who holds the key to my heart. 你掌握開啟我心扉的鑰匙
2009-03-02 6:39 am

I always love you.
2008-05-01 8:02 pm

my boy friend is you

2007-07-09 4:48 am

i love you~我愛你~love you for ever~永遠都愛你


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