englishtown or bitishcouncil??

2007-07-08 9:14 pm
我讀asso的商業傳意英文,本身英文唔太好,想補夠下,想問下讀english town定係bitish council還是其他好呢?邊個實用d同有進步效果d??

回答 (4)

2007-07-10 5:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I personally recommend British Council to you. That's because if u spend about 16000 HKDs to join Englishtown just to get some online materials, that's not worth at all. However, in British Council, u can actually learn English with teachers instead of only sound tracks.

In additon, although Englishtown provides conversation classes, there're always 8 to 11 students in a classroom and u can only speak about 2 to 3 minutes in a 45 minute class. Also, the face to face sessions and the workshop sessions are always full.

I don't wanna affect ur decision, but i just provide u with the realest and most up-to-date details that I know.
參考: I ever try both
2007-07-10 3:02 am
上堂返學考試默書...十幾年都係咁學...係唔係坐低就學得好?. 現在你最需要係"實際英語環境" 即是隨時隨地都可以 聽 講 讀 寫, 學咗都要用得著, 齋上堂, 同以前有怎麼唔同?
我知道 Englistown 可以24小時不停聽 講 讀 寫. 又有不同英語活動可以練吓,講吓 講吓 聽吓 聽吓 就OK啦!! 不過最後都要睇自有無堅持心就真.
2007-07-09 8:03 am
I do English Tutoring one-on-one, don't know you are interested or not.
2007-07-08 9:21 pm
純粹論名氣, 個人認為 british council 比較好~ 因為history 長好多, 多在職人仕認識, 識受性應該比較高
但你本身英文底唔好o既話, asso 可以太艱深, 建議你問清楚邊個程度會比較適合你才報讀。

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