
2007-07-08 8:05 pm
在run一個java program的時候
可以使用args[0], arg[1]這些來輸入文字或數據
例如:C:\\java>java xxx 1 2 3 4

除了此兩項輸入方法, 有沒有其他例子?

回答 (1)

2007-07-13 1:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
用 file
e.g. you have a file named "abc.txt"

then you can do: java xxx < abc.txt

then use the readline() again to get the information (didn't try in dos, it works in shell for sure)

you can also do: cat abc.txt | java xxx
which use readline() also. (doesn't work in dos for sure, use unix shell...)

2007-07-13 05:15:08 補充:
assume you have data inside the file...of course...

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