
2007-07-08 7:20 pm
I have a problem. It's a big problem. My mother - in - law is coming to visit for six months. She stays up all night watching television and smoking.

MY MOTHER - IN - LAW 姐係咩意思?

回答 (3)

2007-07-08 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
mother-in-law = 外母/ 奶奶
而因為英文係呢方面係冇中文咁多解釋...即係女方叫男方呀媽奶奶, 男方叫女方個呀媽就外母. 英文就一概係mother-in-law就掂

引申出黎: father-in-law, brother/sister-in-law, son/daughter-in-law. 就係外父/老爺;妹夫姐夫呀嫂第婦;最後係女婿家嫂.

不過如果你係男娶老婆而佢有一個仔跟入黎,個個就叫step son/daughter
係外面收養的仔女係adopted son/daughter, 唔好mess up son-in-law, step son和adopted son

conclude,my mother-in-law 就係我奶奶/外母,佢要黎住六個月,所以it's a big problem !!
參考: American Education
2007-07-08 7:52 pm

Mother-in-law: 奶奶﹐外母

2007-07-08 11:55:42 補充:
再清楚一點﹕如果那個是你先生的母親﹐ 你叫她"奶奶"如果是你的太太的母親﹐ 你叫她"外母"啦
參考: Myself
2007-07-08 7:41 pm
it means your husband's or your wife's mother.

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