revenue 幾時要加 s?

2007-07-08 4:02 pm
revenue 幾時要加 s?

佢係countable 定 uncountable noun??

回答 (3)

2007-07-08 4:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. (國家的)歲入;稅收[U]
Tax revenues increased last year.
2. 收入,收益[U][C]
Rent is one form of revenue.
3. 各項收入,總收入[P]
The Board of Directors was concerned at the drop in the company's revenues.
4. 稅務局,稅務署[the S]
* 根據以上的解釋,當revenue這個字解作稅收/總收入/稅務局時,是一定要加s。這與大家平時所學,uncountable noun不用加s不同,revenue在uncountable及作以上解釋的情況下,才要加s。
** 而在收入一項之解釋,就要看是指甚麼的收入。若revenue單解作收入,便是uncountable,不用加s;若revenue用於表示不同項目之收入,便是countable,要加s。

2007-07-09 20:57:49 補充:
您在我xg的問題,我在此作一點補充:"The government should set up a foundation with tax revenue."revenue在此是作收入解釋,原因是tax已經有稅的意思,不用重覆了。
參考: I am an English teacher.
2007-07-08 6:22 pm
revenue :
[uncountable] also revenues
1 money that a business or organization receives over a period of time, especially from selling goods or services:
Strikes have cost £20 million inlost revenues.
2 money that the government receives from tax:
an increase in tax revenues of 8.4%
參考: Longman Dictionary Of Contemporary English Updated Edition
2007-07-08 4:13 pm
You can add "s" after revenue if you are counting more than one type/source of revenues. It is a countable noun.

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