
2007-07-08 11:05 am

回答 (4)

2007-07-08 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-07-08 9:50 pm
感情,係要keep it fresh....呢個係真既~~
你愛佢....好愛佢....都唔係而家要講.....如果妳愛佢...佢會知....(coz everything u did so far)

但係我覺得....既然冇事發生.....咁就唔好擔心,or guess if ur gf 會變心啦~~
係埋一齊....有咩野都要好好溝通一下~因為可能大家handle既手法唔同....可能佢唔覺得係一個問題....覺得你唔trust her....whtever~~ so,最好,如果你心入面唔舒服,就好好同佢傾下~
2007-07-08 11:55 am
g00d lucky喔~~
參考: myself*3*
2007-07-08 11:45 am
How did you know? did she tell you? or did you hear from someone else?

If she told you herself, that means she loves you, but just to make you jealous and want you to treat her better, and remember her all the time while you are overseas. If this is the case, then there is absolutely no problem. However of course, you still have to tell her that you care about her and how important she is in your heart. This is important to all relationship, no matter what.

If you heard this from someone else, but your GF did not mention a word about someone chasing her, then you will have to be careful, and extra careful. Becos this means she is at a stage of considering to accept the new relationship, and does not want you to know, or at least not just yet. Now, you will have to carefully and gently ask her if there is anyone chasing her, and see how she responses. If her answer is positive, I think she would tell you why, and if there has been any problem between you two, but if she says no, then you will have to choose whether to believe her.

Of course she can lie about it, but you should know what she sounds like when lying, then you observe and make decisions.

If you guy's relationship is strong and solid enough, I don't think you need to worry too much. But if there have been problems in your relationship, then you should understand that relationship can breakdown anytime even if there was no 3rd person, and you will have to work on it if you really love her that much.

When you love this person, you have to trust her, otherwise you will suffer a lot of pain and feel miserable, especially in a distance relationship like yours.

I am saying this becos I was one of those distance relationship person, who has been away from BF for 2 years. I actually was giving up on the relationship, but my BF was trying hard to keep our relationship, and now we are married to each other.

Remember, all you need is courage. Be thick skinned and tell her how much you love her, and never give up. Flowers or presents might help to tell her that you miss her all the time, of course, please only do this if you have spare monies. Otherwise, an e-card will do the same.
參考: 過來人

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