
2007-07-08 8:20 am
我想問佢5合1,咁即係點,我只知20000一手改為4000一手,,但股價有無變,為何係0.1一股,而唔係而家市價0.053一股,佢如果0.02一股(5合1)=0.1的話,咁味好大折讓,少左一大半錢,咁係味我有一手20000股,現市價0.053=1060;合併後=0.1x4000=400一手,甘我之前一手1060,而家就變左400,係味甘計??定係我而家20000一手,而家就變左五手,所以就0.1x4000x5=2000,兩者之間邊個正確,希望有人會俾到意見我,大分個唔該....... ^^

回答 (2)

2007-07-14 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Under a 5合1 condition the calculation is illustrutrated below:

Stock Quantity before 5合1 = 20000
Stock Price before 5合1 = $0.053
Total Value = $1060

Stock Quantity after 5合1 = 20000/5 = 4000
Stock Price after 5合1 = $0.053 * 5 = $0.265
Total Value = $1060

The value of the stock before and after 5合1 should be eqivalent. However, most of the time stock price fluctuate after consolidation, may probably skyrocket or drop, depends on the speculations about the company.
2007-07-12 10:32 pm

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