Can anyone tell the name of this old movie?

2007-07-08 1:30 am
All i remember about this movie is that its about this guy who is afraid of flying and has to get on a plane, and so he sits by the window near the wing of the plane. As he sits there looking out the window he spots this creature (that's looks like a white bigfoot) on wing and starts taunting him, he keeps telling the flight attendant that there is something on the plane, but nobody believes him and as the plane takes off the creature begins to open the wings engine and rip wires out. Ok, so this all i remember. I hope someone can help me it's been bugging me for while.

回答 (23)

2007-07-08 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like a Twilight Zone episode:
"Nightmare at 20,000 Feet"
參考: A man, newly recovered from a nervous breakdown, becomes convinced that a monster only he sees is damaging the plane he's flying in.
2007-07-08 2:06 am
Twilight light zone the movie. John Lithgote is the actor.
2007-07-08 1:57 am
It wasn't a movie, it was an episode of "The Twilight Zone", and starred a very young (and not into over-acting yet) William Shatner as the guy.
2007-07-08 1:38 am
It's from Twilight Zone: The Movie. John Lithgow played the passenger. I believe it was the fourth "story" in the movie.
2007-07-08 1:34 am
That sounds like a Twilight Zone episode I saw.
2007-07-08 1:34 am
What you are describing sounds like an episode from the "Twilight Zone", which was a television series that aired in the 60s'.
2007-07-08 1:34 am
That is The Twilight Zone: The Movie. The movie has like 4-5 different stories and that is the last one. The guy is John Lithgow. William Shatner was the guy in the original TV episode. Good movie.
2007-07-08 1:33 am
Yeah. Thats the last story on Twilight zone the movie
2007-07-08 1:33 am
That's from The Twilight Zone. William Shatner was that guy.
2007-07-08 1:33 am
The New Twilight Zone or maybe the Outer Limits. Could be Amazing stories like the guy above said.
I know what your talking about just can't remember the name of the TV show.

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