
2007-07-08 3:57 am



回答 (2)

2007-07-08 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
That is because china is one of the fast improving country.And something I want to take about that I am a hong kong student who is studying in oversea. This is not a important point, the important point is that the 大陸 chinese is getting richer and richer as I see that a lot of 大陸學生 study in some famous school. and their furture are better than us.finally Hong Kong people will get weak and the answer is they might help us become more famous in education if they study in hong kong successfully.
(為什麼要枉作小人)I think u were asking the wrong qusetion as this is one of the best way to improve our hong kong business. For explame (Singapore is one of the country which famous in education and they have a lot of student and people from oversea.And the important point is those people are getting a lot of money for singapore.The answer I want to say that people+education=BIG MONEY)for last qusetion as well.
參考: My best idea
2008-03-13 8:17 am
發問者好短視... 一來唔會好似你講得咁誇張 ---> 所謂99%, 只係你對內地人既偏見

其實哩d學生不少都會o係香港落地生根, 因為o係香港其實對佢地發展比較順利~ 而且對於香港既大學生既質素都會有提升, 因為競爭一定會大d

如果香港冇一d黎自內地既優質學生, 我真係唔敢想像香港有幾多大學生會成材... (雖然而家都唔多掂, 但我肯定有內地生好過冇!)

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