用120--200作一篇文(I like to share)

2007-07-08 1:57 am





回答 (1)

2007-07-08 10:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I like to share my feelings,what I thought with my friends because it makes
me feel warm and comfortable.I do like to share happy and sad with them.They can feel happy and laugh with me too.If I don't know how to act or I have something sad,I want them to share it with me.I believe that my friends will help me and make me feel better again.I also like to share my food or what I got with others such as snacks because of happiness.We can share snacks together,talk to each other,share what we heard,what we knew and what we learned.I would like to share because it's fun.

P.S the person that above,some grammars are not really right.
參考: me

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