點樣應徵 維珍航空 空姐 ?

2007-07-08 1:33 am
維珍航空網好似無關於 就業 wor ~
應徵 維珍航空 空姐的 email / tel. no / address 係咩?
有咩要特別注意? 多數fly邊d地方 ?

過來人應徵空姐有咩心得同經驗? 點先可增加被取錄的機會?
virgin 係咪只請金髮白種美女? (應該不是吧~!)

回答 (2)

2007-07-08 9:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
我 in 過一次, 佢有兩種recuitment 方法, 一係 walk-in, 第二種係 send 信, 我試過send 信, 但無invite 我去 interview, walk-in 個次就 pass 到 1st in, 佢地唔係成日 open for recuitment, 真係要成日check 住d website/newspaper, 現在virgin無空缺

如果walk-in, 1st in 係度高, then 一份 english mc question, 唔難, 好易, pass jor 就1對1 interview, 好似chatting 咁, then back home wait for their letter, no matter pass or not, will receive the letter, if pass, you will receive a big letter tell you the next interview place and time, and lots of documents to fill, for 2 nd in, bring all these documents, and listen for all the benefit/information, then will have interview group by group, have self introduction one by one and have a game for whole group, and a task for the sub group, like ranking something and explain your decision, then wait for their decision (pass or not), if pass, final in, seems 1對1 or 2對1 interview, 上次原本請好多人, 點知恐怖襲擊, 請 jor 好少人
呢間好似perfer 爭住答, 個interviewer 話我唔夠aggressive, 所以唔pass 2nd in, 好慘, 因為其他airline 唔可以太aggressive, 點知呢間相反, 我俾人爭都無野可以講( 10 things for u to rank, 排頭d人講2個 ranking, 到我時只可講1個rank), 不過呢間有度好, 佢地唔太重外表, d crew 好 nice, 而且 1st in 就有 english test, 好似排得值d

2007-07-08 01:07:43 補充:
p.s now have recuitment for oasis and JAL wor
參考: me
2007-07-08 6:36 am
維珍係有請香港人空姐... 不過全部都係英國base... 而且好多係英國讀書同有英國passport... 以維珍黎講,佢班香港人空姐主要飛倫敦-香港-悉尼... 但係耐唔耐都會飛其他航空... 好多時係兩個倫敦-香港-悉尼sector再加多兩/三個sector其他航線...

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