
2007-07-07 11:39 pm
本人會去london, 想試下traditional 的 afternoon tea (三層那種).
我想係可以穿casual wear的~
請tell me 地址名電話等我可以make reservation.

p.s.於英國餐廳吃東西是否每次都要比10% tips的?我點知係包埋向張單定係要另比?

回答 (1)

2007-07-08 9:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can try Harrods at Knightbridge. Around 20 pounds per head. No need to pre-book. Just turn up. Casual wear - as long as it is not shorts, it will be okay.

Unlike US, the tips will be added into the bill. Tips can be varies between 10-15%.

Hope this helps.
參考: Myself.

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