What is hermetics?

2007-07-07 10:17 pm
Hermetics, what is it about? Where is it originated from?

回答 (1)

2007-07-13 3:46 pm
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Hermeticism should not be confused with the concept of a hermit.


Hermes Trismegistus depicted in a medieval rendering.
Hermeticism is a set of philosophical and religious beliefs[1] based primarily upon the writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, who is put forth as a wise sage and Egyptian priest, and who is commonly seen as synonymous with the Egyptian god Thoth.[2]. These beliefs have influenced Western magic traditions.
In Islam, the Hermetic cult was accepted as being the Sabians mentioned in the Qur'an in 830 CE [3]

[edit] The Corpus Hermeticum
After centuries of falling out of favor, Hermeticism was reintroduced to the West when, in 1460 CE, a man named Leonardo[4] brought the Corpus Hermeticum to Pistoia. He was one of many agents sent out by Pistoia's ruler, Cosimo de'Medici, to scour European monasteries for lost ancient writings.[5]
In 1614 CE Isaac Casaubon, a Swiss philologist, analyzed the Hermetic texts for linguistic style and claimed that the Hermetic writings attributed to Trismegistus were not the work of an ancient Egyptian priest but in fact dated to the Christian Era.[6][7] Walter Scott places their date shortly after 200 CE, while Sir W. Flinders Petrie places them between 200 and 500 BCE.[8] Plutarch's mention of Hermes Trismegistus dates back to the first century CE, and Tertullian, Iamblichus, and Porphyry are all familiar with Hermetic writings.[9]
In 1945 CE, Hermetic writings were among those found near Nag Hammadi, in the form of one of the conversations between Hermes and Asclepius from the Corpus Hermeticum, and a text about the Hermetic mystery schools, On the Ogdoad and Ennead, written in the Coptic language, the last form in which the Egyptian language was written.[10]

1 History

1.1 The Corpus Hermeticum
2 Hermeticism as a religion

2.1 Religious and philosophical texts
2.2 The three parts of the wisdom of the whole universe
2.3 Hermetic beliefs

2.3.1 God and reality
2.3.2 Classical elements
2.3.3 As above, so below
2.3.4 Reincarnation
2.3.5 Causation
2.3.6 Morality, good and evil
2.3.7 Creation legend
3 Hermetic brotherhoods

3.1 Rosicrucianism
3.2 Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
4 See also
5 Notes
6 References
7 External links

too much word, so u go to this link la

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