關於Australian Slang

2007-07-07 9:48 pm
我都問nice to meet you的Australian Slang係咩啊??
仲有nice to meet you可唔可以同d認左幾耐下的朋友講??想同佢講好高興識到佢!

回答 (1)

2007-07-08 4:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實 aussies 通常會述加個 mates 字係句子尾
eg . " it is very nice talking to you mate! "
" it is nice to meet you mate! "

通常唔會同識左好耐 ge friends 講架
只會同第一次見呀,唔多熟 ge 朋友先咁講

如果想講好高興識到佢 , 可以試下
" I am so glad that we are friends"

通常 friends 出街臨走都只會講下

" good on you mate "
" cheers , have a good night"

呢排新興 ge slang 係將 thank you/ thanks 講做 " ta "

2007-07-07 20:12:46 補充:
同埋佢地好興將 you 講做 ya eg . " good on ya " " how are ya " " nice to meet ya "
參考: i live in aus

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