電腦無線網絡卡用邊種routor??? >>10點<<

2007-07-07 7:04 pm

usb wi-fi用咩routor
usb wi-fi同無線網絡卡可唔可以用同一routor??

回答 (1)

2007-07-10 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q:usb wi-fi用咩routor?
A: you can use any router that support the speed of your Wi-Fi adaptor. Either IEEE 802.1b (1 Mbit/s), IEEE 802.1g (54 Mbit/s), or the latest IEEE 802.1n (108 Mbit/s). See this link for explanation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/802.11

Q:usb wi-fi同無線網絡卡可唔可以用同一routor??
A: yes of course, as long as the router setup to support both 網絡卡 speed and the computer's security requirement fit the router setup.
參考: myself

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