有冇人比左錢同一個叫 Maggie Wong 既人買左 Anya 袋?

2007-07-07 6:27 pm
佢話 $350 個. 叫人比左訂先. 但昨日今日都消失左....有冇人比佢呃左?

回答 (2)

2007-07-07 10:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I called him last night and he said he cannot get the bag. He asked me to provide the account no to him and would refund next week. Have you reached him yet? Let's update each other.

I agree, Anti-Anya! Don't buy their product anymore. They only give free bags to celebrities to promote not a cent goes for environmental protection indeed. So ugly! It is so shame to wear their product.
2007-07-07 6:29 pm
=v+" 好彩冇事,,,

幾百蚊都要呃ge人,, 人格真係好有問題

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