
2007-07-07 6:08 pm


回答 (4)

2007-07-08 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
HR Department,
Dear Sir,
Re: Letter of resignation for
Employee: Mr. xxxxxxx, ID No. xxxxxxxxx(x)
Position: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of XXXXX Department

This is to inform you that I am going to resign from my present position on my own accord with effect on 2007-08-01 by giving 30 days notice in advance with respect to the employment contract . Kindly arrange for the hand-over of my job duties and projects in hand accordingly.
With the supports from customers and my colleagues, I treasured such experience with them in this company.
I am glad to be under the supervision of my department head these years for his mentoring in knowledge and experience enlighting my exposures in work.
Trust that my resignation will not cause you any problem. Kindly let me have the reference letter on or before my last day with the company.
Yours truly,
Dear Boss,
My last day of service with the company is 2007-07-31 as indicated in my resignation letter to the HR Dpeartment.
I treasure much of my experience here in this company with the customers and colleagues.
Thank you very much of keeping me with company for these years. With the happy memory of being a staff here, I think I will delighted to be with this company again some time later by chance.
Thanks again and with my best regards!
Yours truly,
on my own accord = 個人理由
2007-08-01... 是離職生效日期(按合約所要求30日前通知)

2007-07-08 00:38:36 補充:
Thank you very much of keeping me (of 應為for)

2007-07-08 00:40:25 補充:

2007-07-08 00:47:02 補充:
樓上網友的寫法有點毛病thank you my colleagues (you 是重複寫法,文法也不對 thank my colleagues已足夠)

2007-07-08 00:51:21 補充:
參考: my 40 years commercial experience & professional practice.
2007-07-07 8:55 pm
Dear headquarters,

I need to write a resign letter now. First, I want to thank you my colleague, because they take care of me all the time. When I have any works that dont know how to do, they are extremely enthusiastic and willing to help me. Therefore, I like to thank you them very much. Second, I want to thank you my customers’ supports. If there arent their supports, I think I cant be a good worker in this company. It is an encouragement for me to do well of my responsibility.

Finally, I want to thank you my boss very much. He teaches me a lot of knowledge within these years. Also, especially he usually points out my mistakes for correction. It is hard to him. If this company lacks his professional of leading us to face many challenges, it will be terrible.

Anyway, during my working time, I want to thanks all the people who collaborate with me. Now, I resign because of some causes of me.

Yours sincerely
2007-07-07 7:59 pm
Your address

July 9, 2007

The Company Address

Attention: Mr. Black
(manager of XX Department)

Dear Mr. Black,

I'm writing to inform you of my resignation. My service to this company will be effective 15, July, 2007.
It is with great pleasure to be working in this company. I am really thankful for the generous support from my colleagues and clients. Your support at work is mostly important. I have gain a lot of knowledge in this company.

Yours Sincerely,
(Your name)
2007-07-07 7:55 pm
Dear headquarters,

I need to write a resign letter now. First, I want to thank you my colleague, because they take care of me all the time. When I have any works that dont know how to do, they are extremely enthusiastic and willing to help me. Therefore, I like to thank you them very much. Second, I want to thank you my customers’ supports. If there arent their supports, I think I cant be a good worker in this company. It is an encouragement for me to do well of my responsibility.

Finally, I want to thank you my boss very much. He teaches me a lot of knowledge within these years. Also, especially he usually points out my mistakes for correction. It is hard to him. If this company lacks his professional of leading us to face many challenges, it will be terrible.

Anyway, during my working time, I want to thanks all the people who collaborate with me. Now, I resign because of some causes of me.

Yours sincerely,




2007-07-07 22:57:32 補充:
Dear boss, Thank you very much of employing me as your worker many years. If there will be a chance, I am extremely willing to be your worker again. Anyway, thank you for your teaching.Yours faithfully,(YOUR SIGNATURE) (YOUR FULL NAME)
參考: My Knowledge + My Mind + My Experience + My Professional

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