✔ 最佳答案
1. 你的例句拆解:
A specific link / to reach an operator / is not provided by / some hotlines.
P.S. 1 從句子的後面開始譯,因為中/英文的寫法一般是倒向的。
P.S. 2 另加了一些助語詞/連接詞,作用是強化句子。
2. " is not provided 再 + by " 解構:
給你一個活生生的例子(a practical example),讓你較易明白:
Pocket money (零用錢) is not provided by my mother. Virtually (實質上), I have no pocket money at all.
翻譯: 媽媽沒有給予(或提供)零用錢給我,事實上,我根本沒有任何零用。
2007-07-07 02:42:52 補充:
Another practical example with explanation:Passive (被動) voice (語態):Organic vegetables (有機蔬菜) are not provided by general (一般的) farms.
2007-07-07 02:49:11 補充:
To change to active (主動) voice (語態):General farms do not provide the organic vegetables.Or u can say:Organic vegetables are provided by certain specific farms with organic planting knowledge.
2007-07-07 02:56:15 補充:
我的意思是,不論是:-主動的:Subject(主詞) not provide(動詞) object(受詞).抑或被動的:Subject is not/are not/should not be/must not be/may not be... provided by (preposition前置詞) object.
2007-07-07 02:59:05 補充:
都係咁樣譯啲啫,只不過當你做主動語態句子時,你會用:do not provide/ does not provide/ did not provide/ has not provided/ have not provided/ had not provided 囉,又唔駛加by.
2007-07-07 03:03:37 補充:
而且要搞清楚主位同受位囉。至於,做被動語態句子時,動詞要用第四欄,前面要用is/am/are/was/were/should not be/must not be...,後面一定要加by囉,咁受詞就梗係要擺喺頭啦。Understand?